Peer-to-Peer FAQs

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page! All of the questions below have short answers that expand when you click on the questions. Additionally, there are links to longer support pages within the short answers and at the bottom of each section. If your question is not below, try using the search bar above to find support materials.


Callahan & Associates processes refiled 5300 Call Reports on a quarterly basis. Callahan processes all of our refiles directly from the NCUA’s report of recently updated 5300 filings. We extract the data and update our current data with the new information from the refiled 5300 Call Report. More questions? Click here.

Data becomes available in Peer-to-Peer within three business days of the NCUA official release. This is typically 10 weeks after the quarter ends. Peer-to-Peer will have up to 99% of the industry’s data three weeks before the official release.

More data questions? This article has more answers!

Peer-to-Peer and CUAnalyzer contain credit union data going back to 1Q 1998. Additionally, Peer-to-Peer has domestic bank data going back to 1Q 2005.

More questions on data? Click here.

Credit unions have the opportunity to role and vendor data associated with their credit unions directly in Peer-to-Peer. Pull up your credit union profile display and click on the update button.

Click here for more information.

If you see something wrong with the data displayed in the software programs or find a bug, please contact us with the specific issue.

Peer Groups

Peer-to-Peer provides further stratification of the industry by having 11 built-in, asset-based peer groups. Having more peer groups allows for more apt performance comparisons with credit unions similar in size.


· < $2M
· $2M – <$10M
· $10M – <$50M
· $50M – <$100M
· $100M – <$500M
· >$500M


· < $2M
· $2M – <$5M
· $5M – <$10M
· $10M – <$20M
· $20M – <$50M
· $50M – <$100M
· $100M – <$250M
· $250M – <$500M
· $500M – <$1B
· $1B – <$10B
· >$10B


Click here for more information on creating custom peer groups based on criteria.

First, create a peer group based on financials. For example, if you want to build a peer group of credit unions that have indirect lending, type in the account code a618a for indirect lending (or use the binoculars to search indirect lending). In the “minimum” column input 1 and leave the “maximum” column blank. This will populate all credit unions in the United States that offer indirect lending.

For a peer group of credit unions without indirect lending leave the “minimum” column blank and input 0 for the “maximum” column.

The same logic applies for services, with ‘yes’ as 1 and ‘no’ as 0. So, if you wanted to make a peer group of credit unions who use online banking, type A887V in the formula line and 1 as the minimum.

Click here for more information on creating custom peer groups based on criteria.

Yes, you can click on the comparison set tab, then select “Manage Peer Groups”.

Select which peer group you would like to edit (it will be highlighted in a darker shade of orange) and click “Edit”.

It will take you through the same process from when you initially created your peer group where you can filter down based on financials, geography, charter/FOM, top/bottom, vendors, and include/exclude. Make sure to save your edited peer group at the end.

Click here for more information on managing peer groups.

When you are creating a peer group, you’ll notice six tabs across the top with the last tab titled Include/Exclude. In this tab, you have the ability to add or remove credit unions from the peer group that you have created so far from the prior five tabs of criteria.

You can search for an institution to include or exclude from your peer group. Additionally, if you hit the “Preview” button, you can individually select institutions in your peer group and click “Exclude” to remove from your list.

Click here for more ways to customize your peer group.


When analyzing ratios in Peer-to-Peer, averages will not be a simple summation of the ratio divided by the total number of institutions (straight average). Instead, Peer-to-Peer defaults to using weighted averages. Weighted averages, in Peer-to-Peer, are a summation of the numerator divided by the summation of the denominator. This type of average gives a larger relative influence to credit unions according to some attribute of the data, like assets for example.  When larger influence is conferred to credit unions with larger attributes, it negates the potential effect of credit unions with a smaller amount of that attribution skewing the data, either left or right.

To learn more about averages, click here.

If you’re analyzing a pre-built display, you’ll be able to view the components of a formula or metric by clicking “Formulas” at the top right-hand corner above the display. If you’re analyzing a custom-built display, click “Edit Display” at the top right-hand corner above the display to view the formulas or metrics used to create the display.

You can also view the components of a formula by utilizing the search feature (formula wizard) which will oftentimes display the components of each metric.

To learn more about formulas and the formula wizard, click here.

Callahan’s Return Of The Member (ROM) score provides a comprehensive scoring system of member value that looks beyond the traditional safety and soundness issues covered by NCUA’s CAMEL scoring. This is a proprietary scoring index that looks at the value a member derives from being a member at a specific credit union. ROM calculation considers three core credit union functions: “Return to Savers”, “Return to Borrowers”, and “Member Service Usage”.

To learn more about ROM and how to get your ROM score, click here.

The annual function is used to project full year amounts for items that are reported as year‐to‐date (YTD) on the call report. Annualizing a YTD line item enables you to make meaningful comparisons across multiple time periods.

Peer-to-Peer annualizes a number by multiplying the value by 4 and then dividing by the current quarter. You do not need to make these calculations – Peer-to-Peer can do the calculation for you. For example, Annual(a031b) projects your full year loan originations, assuming they continue at the same rate as they have so far this year.

To learn more about formulas click here.


You can download (export) a graph or chart in Peer-to-Peer by clicking the “Export” tab at the top right above the display. You have the option to export the graph or chart to Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, or a PNG image. You also have the option to print directly from the program by clicking “Send to Printer.”

By selecting “Send via Email,” you can customize an email message to yourself and others, and the files will come directly to your inbox.

Please note, table displays can only be exported to Excel or PDF, not to PowerPoint or a PNG image.

Check out this tutorial on how to export your analysis.

When you save a display in Peer-to-Peer, you have the option to name your display and then pick a folder to save it in. The save window is also where you can create a new folder to save the display in.

Once you click save, you will be able to find the display by going to “My Displays” on the left side of the page and finding the folder you created/saved the display in.

For more information on creating/managing folders for displays follow this link.

“Cycle” and “Start Cycle” control the time frame of your analysis. Cycle is the end point, and start cycle is the beginning point.

For charts that only show one time period (such as a pie chart), cycle lets you choose the quarter and year your data is currently in. On historical charts, cycle controls the endpoint. The default is the most recent cycle, and the most recent cycle  will always be listed first in the drop down option.

Start cycle allows you to choose how far back you want to view data historically. Whatever quarter and year you choose for start cycle will be the furthest back data is shown. Start cycle will not appear on every display.

Click here for more information on how to use your start cycle and cycle.

To build a custom graph with multiple metrics for one primary point of analysis, go to “Create New Display” and choose any display from the top two rows: “Single Institution or Peer Group” or “Dual Axis Graph for Single Institution or Peer Group.” The most frequently used is “Line Chart” in the first row.

Once you’ve selected the correct chart format, type in the account code or formula if you know it (or use the binoculars/formula wizard to search for a certain metric). Click “Insert” or press enter to add another line for additional metrics, continue this process until your display has all the metrics you want to include and the either click save or preview to view it.

Watch this tutorial on creating a custom display.

To build a custom table with multiple metrics, you should create your own display using the alpha listing feature. For instructions, go here.

To have your company logo on exported Peer-to-Peer slides, go to “Settings” in the upper right-hand corner and select “Upload Company Logo”. Only company administrators can upload a company logo; so if you do not see this option, please contact your company’s administrator or the Callahan team.

Anyone at the company can use the logo once it’s set up. When you  want to add the logo to your exports, go to “Chart Options” and find “Show logo in chart,” then, select “Customer” from the drop down list. You can then save this preference temporarily, permanently, or for all displays.

For more information on using chart options, click here.

To customize graphs, go to “Chart Options” on the right side above the display title. There you have the option to add data labels, change the display frequency, display type, color palette, and many other tools used to customize displays.

To learn more about chart options, click here.

If your graphs are appearing out of proportion, it is most likely due to your screen resolution. You are probably zoomed too far out in the graph. To fix this, try holding down the “ctrl” key and the “+” key on your keyboard if the display is too small. If it is too big, try “ctrl” and ” –”

To learn more about setting up displays, click here.

5300 Call Report

The 5300 is the NCUA call report, which credit unions use to submit their quarterly financial information. Peer-to-Peer contains all the information from each Credit Union’s 5300 call report.

Each item on the 5300 call report has a given account code. You can use these account codes straight from the 5300 to search for corresponding metrics in Peer-to-Peer to analyze. Just make sure you put an “a” in front of the account code in Peer (ex: loans is 025a on the 5300, but in Peer-to-Peer it is a025a).

To learn about the 5300 and how to use it, click here.

If you are a company administrator, you can upload an updated version of your 5300 Call Report by going to the settings menu in the upper right-hand corner of Peer-to-Peer, and selecting the “Upload 5300 XML” option from the dropdown (last option on the list).

If you are not a company administrator, please email your call report to

Click here for step-by-step instructions on uploading call reports.

Peer uses information from several data sources:

  • NCUA 5300 Call Report and Profile Report: Peer-to-Peer contains data for every single item on the 5300 for each credit union in the United States. Account codes from these reports are used to build the formulas and charts you see in the program. Certain ratios, such as ROA (return on average assets) can be found in Peer but do not appear directly on the 5300. The components of ROA are listed on the 5300, while Peer calculates them as a ratio (Net income/Total Assets).
  • Macroeconomic data: Callahan collects a variety of industry and economic information from various data sources to populate graphs in the Economic Trends folder within Peer-to-Peer.
  • Proprietary Vendor Relationships: Callahan loads a range of proprietary third party vendor relationship information into Peer-to-Peer. This data is collected in a number of ways, including direct verification with both credit unions and the vendors serving the market.

For more information on data sources, click here.

You can view a copy of the NCUA 5300 Call Report by clicking on the “Help” menu in the upper right-hand corner of Peer-to-Peer and selecting “5300 Call Report Form”. Here you can view the Call Report in its entirety and search for account codes.

Additionally, you can also find a copy of the 5300 Call Report Definitions file in the Help menu, which can be beneficial for understanding how specific accounts are compiled as well as the different pieces of information credit unions report throughout the Call Report.

For more information, click here.

Account Preferences

Callahan uses “single sign-on” (SSO) to access our digital products. This means you only need one email and password combination to access all of our software programs, including Peer-to-Peer and

To update your email/password combination, go to and click “Log In”

Once on the client portal, either click your name in the upper right-hand corner and then select “My Account,” or click “Account” in the left-hand navigation and then select “My Profile”. This will bring you to a page that lists your account information and preferences. You can update account information in the “My Account Info” tab. To update newsletter preferences, click on the “Newsletter Preferences” tab. To update your password, click the “Reset Password” button below your account information.

You can also update your password from Peer-to-Peer:

When you are logged into Peer-to-Peer, click the “Settings” menu in the upper right-hand corner. Here you will find an option to change your password. Enter your old and new password and click “Set Password” to save.

For additional resources, click here.

When logging in via the client portal (, if you cannot remember your password, click the “Forgot Password?” button below the “Log In” button. This will send you to a page where you can input your email address and Callahan will automatically send an email to your inbox with your password. Note: it may take a few minutes for this email to arrive.

For additional resources, click here.

You must be an admin to create credentials for a new user in Peer-to-Peer. To create an account for a new user within your organization, click the “Settings” button at the top right corner and select “Manage Users”, which will display a list of all users at your company. Underneath the list, enter the credentials for the new user and click the button “Create” to add the account. You can also do this in your client portal on the “Manage Users” page. This is found by either clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner or clicking “Account” in the left-hand navigation.

For additional resources, click here.