Formulas Peer-To-Peer

P2P: Functions Manual

Learn about the commands you can use on custom displays in Peer-to-Peer to modify account codes. Our Operator’s Manual provides the essential “shortcuts” for calculations that finance executives commonly use in evaluating financial performance.

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What Are Functions?

Functions are commands you can use on custom displays in Peer-to-Peer to modify account codes. They are “shortcuts” for calculations that finance executives commonly use in evaluating financial performance.

For example, when you type “Growth” plus an account code bracketed by parentheses, e.g. Growth(a010), Peer will calculate annual asset growth so you don’t have to know the equation yourself. Functions simplify more complex formulas by doing the work for you!

Helpful Hints

  • Have your 5300 handy. You can print out the latest 5300 Call Report under the Help menu in the upper right corner of your Peer-to-Peer account.
  • Put an “a” in front of all 5300 account codes. Many account codes are numeric values and peer will read any number as just that, a number. So, when building custom displays, just put an “a” in front of any account code from the NCUA 5300 Call Report.
  • Bank codes start with a “R”. Peer–to-Peer uses the 8-character FFIEC call report codes, which begin with the letter “r”. These are drawn from the FFIEC 041 form (Statement of condition for banks with Domestic Offices Only), and the 031 form (Statement of Condition for Banks with Domestic and Foreign Offices). Many accounts used on the 031 form are equivalent to accounts on the 041, and the last four characters of their codes are the same. Peer–to-Peer uses the 041 (domestic) version of the code in these cases, even if the bank filed the 031 call report. For example, the 031 form uses the code “RCFDM708” for real estate construction loans, while the 041 form uses “RCONM708” for the same purpose. Peer uses “RCONM708”.
  • Casing doesn’t matter. Functions are NOT case sensitive. We are just using mixed case letters in this document to make them easier to read and remember.
  • Terminology. When a function is used with an account, we refer to this as a formula. So Growth(members) is the formula for member growth; Annual(a270) is the formula for a credit union’s annual marketing expenses. “Growth” and “annual” are the functions in these two examples.
  • You can use account codes in equations. When using functions, you can add, subtract, multiply and divide account codes just like any number within the parenthesis. So, to see total auto loan growth (page 2 of the Call Report), you can type Growth(a385 + a370), where a385 is new and a370 is used vehicle loans.

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